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How do I write blogs?

A great way to increase organic visibility for your online store is through the creation of blog articles. The Alleghenies Marketplace allows you to submit articles here.

Tip: Approximately 6 of 10 top Google Search Results are reserved for informative pages, not products--meaning the more helpful information you share, the better chance you have of being found.

When you're writing content, it's important to consider what questions you're trying to answer and what value you want to provide. Writing articles/blogs about why your company is "so great" don't capture nearly as much reader interest as those focused on how your products will improve their lives. We also suggest adhering to these best practices outlined below for creating SEO-friendly content: The Alleghenies Marketplace also includes Yoast SEO, a powerful tool that makes it easier to adjust your meta description and title for online exposure. You can add that below the blog you're writing, as seen here:

If you're still looking for more information on how SEO works, this video goes into more detail:

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